1 | The Game: |
The game shall be known as 8-ball pool. All players and teams should play in a sportsmanlike manner.
The referee is the sole judge of what is or isn't fair play, and will take whatever action is necessary to ensure that these rules are observed and applied.
2 | Requirements of the game: |
The game is played on a rectangular 6 pocket table with 15 object balls plus a cue ball.
Balls to comprise of 2 groups of like balls plus an 8 ball black.
3 | Object of the game: |
To pocket their group of object balls and legally pocket the black ball.
4 | Commencement of the game (or re-start) |
a) Balls to be racked as illustrated with the black ball spotted at the intersection of the centre and corner pockets.
b) Order of play to be decided by the flip of a coin With the winner choosing the order.
c) Play starts by striking the rack starting from a point behind the baulk line. The player must pot a ball or cause at least 4 object balls to hit a cushion. Failure to do so is a re-rack, the other player breaking with two visits.
d) If one or more balls are potted from the break, the player must nominate which their choice of group is before commencing. If the player nominates a potted colour, then they remain that group, if they choose the alternative colour group, then a ball must be potted on the next shot to secure them. On the first occasion a player legally pockets an object ball, other than the break, then that ball denotes their group. If a ball from each group is potted, then the player must nominate their preference before commencing.
e) If a foul is committed (other than rule 4g) on the first occasion one or more balls are pocketed, then those balls are ignored in determining the playing groups.
f) If the player pots the 8 ball from the break the game shall restart with the same player. No penalty is incurred even if other balls and or cue ball pot as well.
g) If a ball(s) is pocketed, then the player is entitled to an additional shot. This continues until the player either:
i) Fails to pot a ball; ii) Commits a foul; Combination shots are allowed provided the player strikes their object group first.
5 |
Fouls |
a) Cue ball pocketed.
b) Hitting opponents object group first, except where rule 6b applies.
c) Failing to hit any ball with the cue ball.
d) Jump shot - defined as the cue ball jumping over all or part of any ball before contact.
e) Hitting the 8 ball when all of players own group have not been potted. Except where rule 6b applies.
f) Potting the opponents ball. Except rule 6b
g) Ball off the table
i) An object ball is returned to the black spot, or as near to, towards baulk; ii) Cue ball is played from behind baulk line when commencing.
h) If a players body, clothing or jewellery touch any ball.
i) Player not having at least one foot in contact with the floor.
j) Playing or touching any ball with the cue other than the cue ball
k) Playing out of turn.
l) Playing before the balls have come to rest
m) Playing before the balls have been re-spotted.
n) Striking the cue ball with any part of the cue other than the tip.
o) Striking the cue ball with the cue more than once.
p) Failing to nominate when required. Nominating "no pocket" is not valid
q) Foul break see rule 4c
r) Push shots - are not allowed
6 | Penalty following any foul |
a) Following any foul the players opponent is allowed two visits to the table.
b) On the first shot only the opponent may strike any ball with the cue ball without penalty, including the 8 ball. Any ball may be potted except the black ball loses the game., unless the player is "on" the black ball.
A player on the 8 ball may choose to play a free ball, but MUST STILL NOMINATE A POCKET FOR THE BLACK otherwise it is a foul.
c) Two visits carry until the player fails to pot.
7 | Loss of game: |
a) If a player pockets the 8 ball in advance of clearing their own group. Except when rule 4g applies.
b) A player pockets the 8 ball and the cue ball also pockets.
c) A player pockets the 8 ball and any other ball on the same shot. Except following a foul when there are no balls of the players own group left, then the player may pot the black and other balls during the same shot in any order.
d) A player clearly making no attempt to play a ball they are entitled to.
e) Interfering with the object balls outside the course of playing a shot.
8 | General |
a) Cue ball in hand must be taken from behind the baulk line (played in any direction)
b) A player is in control of the table from the moment their body, clothing or cue make contact with the table. Up until their opponent does likewise. Any balls which fall into the pockets during this time count as pocketed and the player in control is liable for penalties or benefits normally awarded.
c) The game is completed when the 8 ball is pocketed in any pocket nominated by the player and all other balls have come to rest. Except when rule 4g applies.
Touching ball - a player must play away from a touching ball of their own group. Playing off the touching ball causing it to move is a foul.If the cue ball is touching the 8 ball or one of the opponents group the player must play away and contact one of their own group. When 6b applies, the player can play away without further contact.
9 | Nominations |
Nominations are required as follows:
a) Colour nomination when any ball(S) other than black are potted when breaking.
b) On all occasions when a player is "on" the black ball, including when a player has been awarded two shots following a foul, whether or not another ball is being played.
10 | Stalemate |
Should any situation arise where a legal shot cannot be played the game shall be re-started by the same breaker. If, in the opinion of the referee, neither player is allowing the game to progress or a stalemate has occurred, then the game shall re-start with the same player breaking again.
11 | Guidance |
"Shot" means striking the cue ball once. "Visit" is one turn at the table comprising of one shot or a series of shots. "Break" is the first shot of the game, or the re-start.
Coaching is deemed unsportsmanlike…see rule 1. Audible nomination prompts will result in a foul being called.
12 | Doubles Play |
During doubles play, partners may confer at any time, even after the player in turn has addressed the ball.
The only additional doubles rules that apply are:
1) A two minute time limit is in place from the moment the prior visit ends. This is usually determined when the cue ball comes to rest.
2) No marking of the table is allowed, including placing directional aids such as chalk.
Pointing is allowed.